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It was a bit tricky to get the hang of controls at first, but i had fun, it kinda felt like a pinball rpg which is really original :)

the quiet horror of seeing you shred through trees without really thinking about how the power scaling works stuck with me. 

The writing was very personable and full of energy that I could tell was by these designers and same with the art. 

Good job.

I'm very happy it was able to resonate. The theme of the jam hit me pretty hard and I really wanted to do it justice

Very cute game! I'm impressed with the in-dialogue text animations (and the jokes were funny, no tomatoes here). Combat took a bit to get the hang of, but I could see this being intended, as it did give an appropriate level of difficulty! 

Great art and beautiful music! Was fun, good job!! :D

Thank you!!! Yeah, I got some pushback from a few people on the combat, but it felt important to set it up the way I did, I'm glad that it went okay for you.

I feel so blessed to have worked with our artist and musicians, they all did killer jobs


I give it a very good very good yay! Combat took me a second to figure out, but once I did, it was pretty easy! it can be a little chaotic to figure out, but think of it like pinball (mushrooms are a super bouncer btw!!)

all the characters are cute as pie, I especially love the farm wives, the barrel enthusiast, and our hero!

would love to see the villain fleshed out, as I felt like there was kind of a hint at the game leading in that direction, if it were to be fleshed out more later on (as sometimes game jam games are wont to do), so I think there's definitely room for growth!

really liked the music and the art, and probably my favorite thing was the use of the animal-crossing-esque "voice acting" for the characters.

solid effort gang, thank you for your hard work!!


Yeah, Flare ended up not getting the time they really deserved. I remember in the pitch meeting for the story that Krysta had a whole speech figured out for them and it was so powerful and good but we couldn't find a way to work it in by the end. That plus no 'boss battle' was probably my biggest regret time wise. But who knows what the future brings.

I would have preferred if we could have got a little more time to line up our shot, wasd redirection was a bit unpredictable it felt like. Other than that, great game with a pretty cool message that I saw seeded from start to finish. Very interesting mechanic using momentum and launching on mouse click. It took me a while to understand that when bouncing out from something that I could only choose from between the purple lines. Game got much easier after I figured that out. I wish you all luck with your game dev careers.

PS Stone is the best character, and I wish there was special dialogue for ending a fight with no village person injured (all had 10 hp) cause I worked hard to achieve that :'(

I wanted to make the game feel somewhat unwieldy due to the jam theme, like you were a weapon rather than just using one. But I hear you, it was definitely a comment some jam members made too, I suppose I'm just a bit stubborn, haha!

The game may not have rewarded you for no village person harmed, but you can carry in your heart that you earned that even if the game didn't tell you! If I ever update this, I may try to find a way to incorporate something like that. I'm glad you liked Stone, a lot of the characters were very off the cuff, but I had a lot of fun writing him.

Its okay. I played it a bit and it was fine. It is a story about something and a character with spikes to fight. 

Appreciate that you played it!